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-Julian Schnabel-
Hi! im Lawrencre Mitchell a current freshman at columbus of college of Art and Design. I am majoring in illustration with a minor in Fine arts hopeing to make a career in Visual Devlopment. In my free time i enjoy hiking, reading and socializing with friends.
You can contact through my websites
My Digiation
My Art Blog
Hello! I ,Gretchen E. Yerian, am currently a Freshman at CCAD, stuyding and Advertising/Graphic Design & Illustration. I enjoy a large variety of art amongst other things, including cephalopods. I admire everythng from cartoons to surrealism and everything in between. I like to expand myself as an artist and as a person by being inspired by my eclectic interests.
If you would like to contact me or view my work please visit:
My email -

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